• D A Y – P A S S – B A G N O – D I – G I L I – I N C L U D I N G – L U N C H Rp3140 - Order now >


    Full Day Gazebo Use at Bagno Di Gili for 2 Persons (10:00 am – 5:30 pm) – 4 Towels – 2 Snorkeling Sets (Full Day Use) – 1 Hour Kayak Rental – Chef Jiwa’s delicious OFYR® Indonesian Sate Lunch at the Beach Restaurant of ‘Bagno Di Gili’


    Shuttle boat service to Gili Meno not included
    Reservation required 24 hours in advance


    For In-House Guests of The Lombok Lodge Boutique Hotel, Medana Bay and for Resident Guests of The Private Villa Estate by The Lombok Lodge Hospitality, Gondang Beach with a reservation including one of our ‘Package Retreat Arrangements’, we offer ‘Private Beach Gazebo-Use’ at ‘Bagno Di Gili’, including the delicious Chef’s Sate Table lunch with our compliments during one day of stay