The perfect, freshly squeezed drinks to rejuvenate your skin.
L O M B O K – S U P E R B – S I R T- J U I C E Rp85 - Order now >
Kale, Ruccola, Parsley, Celery, Apple,
Fresh Lombok Ginger, Lemon & Matcha Powder
* High in Antioxidant Super Foods -
H E A R T – B E A T Rp125 - Order now >
A Healthy Boost with Apple, Lemon, Carrot, Beetroot and Ginger
L O M B O K – P U R I T Y Rp125 - Order now >
Spinach, Romaine, Cucumber, Celery, Pear, Lemon, Broccoli Power
T H E – J U S – T O X Rp125 - Order now >
Boost your body with Apple, Fennel, Cucumber, Celery, Lemon, Ginger
L O M B O K – B U X – B U N N Y Rp125 - Order now >
Walk on Sunshine & feel good with Carrot, Apple, Lemon, Ginger
J U I C Y – L U C Y Rp125 - Order now >
D-tox deliciously with Apple, Lemon, Extra Ginger
G I N G E R – S P I C E Rp125 - Order now >
Juice Power with Pear and Lots of Ginger
M A N G O – M O J O Rp125 - Order now >
Mango, Pineapple, Orange