Give your vacation a refreshing and relaxing aspect with The Lombok Lodge Head Treatments.

  • T L L – H E A D – M A S S A G E – X L Rp1190 - Order now >

    60 minutes

    Based on the principles of Ayurveda, this soothing yet energizing head massage combines pressure-point techniques to relieve tension in the head and neck. As well as restoring vital tranquility, this treatment can help relieve insomnia, chronic headaches, migraines, and sinusitis.

  • T L L – 3 0 M I N – H E A D – M A S S A G E Rp790 - Order now >

    30 minutes

    Based on the principles of Ayurveda, this soothing yet energizing head massage combines pressure-point techniques to relieve tension in the head and neck. As well as restoring vital tranquility, this treatment can help relieve insomnia, chronic headaches, migraines, and sinusitis.